What Are the Different Types of Mobility Scooters?

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What Are the Different Types of Mobility Scooters?

14 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Mobility scooters are designed to give more freedom to those who are unable to walk long distances on their own. They are ideal for trips to the grocery store, shopping mall, or for any other outing that may require long periods of walking or standing. Choosing the best mobility scooter to meet your needs depends on what features you prefer and where you will be using it most. These are the different types of mobility scooters and what each has to offer.

 Travel Scooters 

Travel scooters are lightweight and easy to transport from place to place. Because they can be disassembled easily, these scooters can be stored in the trunk of your vehicle so you can take them with you when traveling. 

However, since they are more lightweight, travel scooters often do not have many of the added features that more advanced mobility scooters have. They are battery operated and are best for shorter trips that do not require hours of use. Travel scooters are also the best choice for those who need to use them inside their homes.

Traditional Mobility Scooters 

Traditional mobility scooters can also be disassembled, however they are heavier and not as easy to manage as travel scooters. These scooters are available with several different features including safety lights, better suspension, larger weight capacities, and more cushioned seating. 

Depending on the size and weight of a traditional mobility scooter, it may need to be attached to your automobile with a vehicle scooter lift. This type of scooter is also battery powered and usually holds a charge longer than a travel scooter. This type of scooter is fine for use on shopping trips in large indoor locations.

Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters 

Heavy duty mobility scooters are much larger and usually offer more features than other types of scooters. They have larger tires and wheels, protective bumpers and a higher ground clearance. Some heavy duty scooters are also equipped with captain's chairs for optimum comfort.

These scooters are also battery powered and have the longest charge hold of all. They can be broken down, but since the parts are so heavy it is more practical to transport them using a vehicle scooter lift. Heavy duty mobility scooters are an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy having mobility in parks, on sidewalks and even some off-road areas.

Mobility scooters are a more advanced version of electric wheelchairs. Scooters have more power and can usually reach higher speeds than most electric wheelchairs. They may also be equipped with turn signals and horns to increase safety for outdoor use. For more information, talk to a company that produces handicapped equipment and supplies.

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medical equipment and supplies that your child needs

As a parent, you never think that your child will become one of the many that require different types of medical equipment in your home just so that he or she can survive from day to day. If it does happen, you will face a whole new struggle of finding the equipment and supplies that your child needs. How do you go about getting these supplies? Can you rent the expensive equipment or do you have to buy it outright? This blog will answer many of the questions that you probably have about medical equipment and supplies that your child needs.
