Virtual Reality | It's Not Just For Gaming Anymore

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Virtual Reality | It's Not Just For Gaming Anymore

4 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Everyone knows what video games are, and most of us have at least seen a virtual reality headset. Did you know, however, that virtual reality is now being used for more than just entertainment? VR is now being used for in-home therapeutic purposes to help patients with a wide range of issues. Here's what you need to know.

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of an environment you can interact with in a way that feels very realistic. You wear a VR headset, which uses lenses to give you a stereoscopic view of the simulated world, making it seem as if you are physically present in the environment when you are really just looking at a screen.

What are other uses for VR?

In addition to gaming, VR has a number of applications, including:

  • In-home therapeutic treatment for conditions such as autism, PTSD, and phobias
  • Training for professions such as surgery and aviation
  • Immersive experiences such as concerts and museum tours

The future of VR suggests that the technology will only become more widespread and integrated into our lives.

What is in-home therapeutic virtual reality?

In-home therapeutic virtual reality is a type of treatment that uses VR technology to provide patients with exposure therapy in the comfort of their own homes. In-home therapeutic VR can help patients with conditions such as:

  • Motor Skill Impairments. VR can assist patients with physiotherapy by providing opportunities to practice movement and improve coordination in a fun and stimulating environment.
  • Depression and Anxiety. Immersing patients in calming or happy virtual environments allows them to learn healthy coping mechanisms and distraction techniques.
  • Phobias. In-home therapeutic virtual reality exposes patients to their fears in a controlled and safe environment so they can overcome their phobias while receiving support from a therapist.
  • PTSD. The Department of Veterans Affairs reports that post-traumatic stress disorder affects "12 million adults in the U.S. ... during a given year." VR offers veterans and other trauma survivors a way to work through their trauma without re-experiencing the events that caused it.
  • Eating disorders. VR allows patients to work through their issues with food and body image in a safe space.

What are the benefits of in-home therapeutic virtual reality?

There are a number of benefits of in-home therapeutic virtual reality, including:

  • Convenience
  • Safe and controlled environment
  • Flexible treatment schedule
  • Reduced cost
  • Increased access to care

Virtual reality is changing the face of therapy, offering patients an immersive experience that can help them work through a wide range of issues in a safe environment from the comfort of their own homes. If you or someone you know could benefit from in-home therapeutic VR, please speak to a healthcare professional today.

For more information on in-home therapeutic virtual reality, contact a professional near you.

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medical equipment and supplies that your child needs

As a parent, you never think that your child will become one of the many that require different types of medical equipment in your home just so that he or she can survive from day to day. If it does happen, you will face a whole new struggle of finding the equipment and supplies that your child needs. How do you go about getting these supplies? Can you rent the expensive equipment or do you have to buy it outright? This blog will answer many of the questions that you probably have about medical equipment and supplies that your child needs.
