
Does your child require different types of medical equipment in your home just so that he or she can survive from day to day? Click here for help.

6 Things To Expect When You Have A Preemie

6 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

While obstetricians do everything in their power to prevent premature labor, there is often nothing that can be done to stop pre-term labor. Occasionally, babies are born before the 37th week and are referred to as preemies. Babies born closer to their due date tend to be healthier, but this does not mean there is no hope for babies born much earlier. Development may occur slowly over time, but understanding what to expect will make the process much easier. Read More …

New Science Teacher And Teaching Middle-Aged Kids About Mass Spectrometry? 4 Tips To Get You Started

14 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a new science teacher and planning to teach students about mass spectrometry, this can be a very hard subject to learn. You can make things go easier for them and you if you learn some tips on teaching this subject. Keep reading and you should have a class full of students interested in this subject. Teach Students the Basics Start out by teaching your students about ions, This is a good starting point of learning about mass spectrometry. Read More …

Choosing The Right Hearing Aids For A Child

4 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There is a wide variety of hearing aid styles and features that are designed to work for people with different lifestyles and needs. Finding the right hearing aid for a child is just a matter of weeding through the features to find the best fit. Here are some things to look for in a child's hearing aid.  Flexible Microphone Settings Children tend to deal with many situations that will require different types of microphones. Read More …

Preventing And Handling Ear Infections With A Hearing Aid

18 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Hearing aids can make all the difference in your quality of life and ability to connect with the people around you, but they can also be inconvenient if you are prone to ear infections. Although not everyone who wears a hearing aid experiences ear infection, they are associated with elevated levels of bacteria, wax and fungi in the ears, all of which lead to a higher likelihood that an infection will develop. Read More …

What Are the Different Types of Mobility Scooters?

14 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Mobility scooters are designed to give more freedom to those who are unable to walk long distances on their own. They are ideal for trips to the grocery store, shopping mall, or for any other outing that may require long periods of walking or standing. Choosing the best mobility scooter to meet your needs depends on what features you prefer and where you will be using it most. These are the different types of mobility scooters and what each has to offer. Read More …

About Me
medical equipment and supplies that your child needs

As a parent, you never think that your child will become one of the many that require different types of medical equipment in your home just so that he or she can survive from day to day. If it does happen, you will face a whole new struggle of finding the equipment and supplies that your child needs. How do you go about getting these supplies? Can you rent the expensive equipment or do you have to buy it outright? This blog will answer many of the questions that you probably have about medical equipment and supplies that your child needs.
